We have made a convenient tool that will download the latest version and place it on your desktop for you. It is important that you do not place the download on a shared drive, as it will then not automatically update therefore you will miss out on the new releases and product enhancements. 

To use the tool simply download:

For Installation onto a single PC - Here

Or for mass deployment by IT download - Here

If you're not sure how to install the file, you can navigate to the downloaded installation file by going to your Downloads folder and double clicking ""Engage Desktop Client Setup".

For Microsoft Edge, click Open file

For Google Chrome, click the Engage Client Dep...exe file that appears on the bottom left of your screen.

The setup tool will run in the background, so it might not appear to be doing anything, but it will be installing the Engage Client onto your C drive, placing a shortcut on your desktop like this:

It will also place the app into the start-up items, and set it to launch on start-up by default.

Once the install is complete, the app will launch to show it's complete.


If you have downloaded the new Engage Client and it is not working try clearing your cache. To do this follow the steps here.

There are many icons and copies for 'Vixie' the Engage Client. If you have any other Engage Consult icons on your desktop, or shortcuts to a version of Vixie saved on a shared drive it would be best to delete them and run the Deployment Tool from here again.

Having trouble downloading? Follow the steps for manual installation here.

Need help? Book in for a one to one session with our Training and Outcomes Co-ordinator below.
