
You can configure your Engage Arrive Check-in System to direct patients to specific waiting areas, the waiting area they are sent to is based on which clinician they are seeing. Each clinician can either be assigned to a single waiting room, or you can set up a weekly schedule with 1 or 2 waiting areas per day.

To do this you will need to import a list of your clinical staff from your clinical system into the Engage Client, you can do this from Engage Client Management Console page.

Management Console

Engage Arrive Settings are accessed via the Engage Client Management Console, for instructions on accessing the management console see our guide here.

Engage Arrive Settings

The Staff settings can be found under "Appointment Arrivals" in the "Basic Settings" section of the Management Console.

Importing/Updating the Staff List

When you first access the "Consulting Staff" page, the staff dropdown may be empty, if this is the case you'll just need to click the "Update consulting staff list" button. This will utilise the Engage Agent, installed either on your check in screen, or a PC with access to the clinical system. For the import to work the PC with the Agent will need to be powered on and logged in, the simplest way to know if this is the case if to check the arrival screen, if patients can arrive, then the import function will work.

You can click the import button again to update the list when you add new clinical staff to your surgery, if you don't update the list the screen will still arrive patients normally, it just won't show them the name of the clinician they are seeing and you won't be able to assign that staff member to a waiting area.