Additional Features:

Your check in screen is able to collect a variety of additional information from your patients either during the check in process, or via the separate self service pathway that allows them to update their details without arriving themselves for an appointment.

Activating Additional Features:

You can find all the additional features on the Settings Tab of your Engage Touch Console, as below:

To enable one or more combination of these additional features by simply clicking on the adjacent check boxes.

Self-Service Route:

By default any additional features you enable will appear after the patients has been identified and before they're arrived for their appointment, allowing all the data to be sent through to the clinical system at the same time as the screen marks them as arrived.

Alternatively you can enable the self service option, this is found in the "Screens" tab, to the right of "Settings" 

With this enabled, patients will be offered a choice of whether to "Arrive for my appointment" or "Use this self service 


With the both pathways they will be offered any additional questions you have enabled but only patients selecting "Arrive for my appointment" will be marked as arrived if they have an appointment.

Understanding Additional Features:

See below for a full breakdown of each of the additions features, explaining what they do, and how they'll appear on screen to your patients.

Smoking status

If you enable this feature then all patients over the age of 15, that have not had a smoking read code added to their clinical system in the last year (137P., 1371., 137S. or 8CAL.), will be asked their smoking status. The touch screen will enter the answers and read codes straight into the clinical system for your receptionists 

E-Cigarette Use

When the Smoking Status questionnaire is enabled, the screen will also ask whether the patient uses any form of e-cigarette after they complete or skip the smoking status questions.

Check telephone number

If you enable this feature all patients will then be asked to confirm if their telephone number is still valid. They will be able to select Yes or No. If they select No, they will continue to the final screen and be checked in but the screen will inform them that they need to see reception to update their contact details. They do not update their details using the screen. The receptionists need to be involved to prevent any errors. The screen remembers when it has asked a patient this question. It will not ask them again for at least another 90 days.


Check address, Check mobile number, Check e-mail address

These features work in the exact same way as the Check telephone number feature. Note: If you have the Discreet option ticked then the patients' contact details will be shown in a smaller font. 

Carer Status

The touch screen will look for the following read codes within the patient's clinical record: 918A., 918a., 918b., 918c., 918d., 918f., 918F., 918H., 918m., 918r., 918W., 918X., 918Y., 9d46., 918G.

If it does not find any of these codes it will ask the following:

Flu jab reminder (Age)

The touch screen will look to see if the patient is over the age of 50, and whether the following read codes appear within the patient's clinical record entered in the last 240 days: n47.., n471., n472., n473., n474., n475., n476., n477., n478., n479., n47A., n47a., n47b., n47c., n47d., n47e., n47f., n47g., n47h., n47i., n47j., n47k., n47l., n47m., n47n., n47o., n47p., n47q., n47t., n47u., n47v., n47y., n47z., 65E.., 65E0., 65E1., 65E2., 65E3., 65E4., 5E9., 65EB., ZV048

If it does not find any of these codes it will display the following:

Nothing is coded into the clinical system. 

'Flu jab reminder (At risk)

The touch screen will look to see if the patient has any of the following read codes for a flu vaccination within their clinical record entered in the last 240 days: n47.., n471., n472., n473., n474., n475., n476., n477., n478., n479., n47A., n47a., n47b., n47c., n47d., n47e., n47f., n47g., n47h., n47i., n47j., n47k., n47l., n47m., n47n., n47o., n47p., n47q., n47t., n47u., n47v., n47y., n47z., 65E.., 65E0., 65E1., 65E2., 65E3., 65E4., 65E9., 65EB., ZV048

It will also look to see if the patient has any of the following read codes relating to pregnancy within their clinical record entered in the last 280 days: 615C., 6166., 6174., 62..., 621.., 6211., 6212., 6213., 6214., 6215., 6216., 6217., 6218., 621Z.

It will also look to see if the following read codes relating to carer status have been entered in the last 365 days: 9d46., 918H., 918G., 918r. and 918f.

If no code for a recent flu vaccination is found but one or more of the codes that indicate that the patient is at risk are found, the following will be displayed:

Again nothing is coded into the clinical system.

COVID Check 

With this option enabled the screen will ask a COVID 19 screen question before all other questions,

If they select "Yes" this warning will display, 

The screen will then revert to the start screen.

Blood Pressure 

This question allows patients to manually submit a BP reading, or if you are an Engage Touch+ customer with a connected BP machine, it will prompt them to use the machine to supply a reading.


With this option enabled the screen will check the patients record to see if they've updated their ethnicity in the last year, if they have the question will be skipped, if not it will prompt them to update this information.

If they Select "Other" they will be presented with these further options:

Alcohol Consumption 

With this option enabled, patients over 12 will be asked to update their alcohol consumption every 90 days.

They'll be asked firstly if they drink alcohol,

If they answer "Yes" they'll be asked to supply a average weekly consumption in units. 

CHD (Coronary Heart Disease) History 

With this option selected the screen will check for a record of “Family history of coronary heart disease” in the patients record, if none exists they'll be asked to confirm if they are at risk.


With this option selected patients to manually submit their weight, or if you are an Engage Touch+ customer with connected scales, it will prompt them to use the scales to supply a reading. 


With this option selected patients can update their height on their clinical record.

There’s 3 different criteria in the [Height] section, where we take readings based on a frequency that is dependent on the age of the patient:

Under 6, every 90 days

Under 18, every 6 months

18 and over, annually

Calculate BMI

With this option selected a patient who submits both a weight and height measurement will have their BMI automatically calculated and saved to their clinical record, the screen will not display the BMI on screen or require any input from the patient. 

Friends and Family Test

 If you tick this feature the patients will be presented with the following after the start button: 

If the patient selects 'Tell us how we did today they will then be asked:

Followed by:

The results will be collected for you and you will be able to see them within your account at If you have not yet done so, click on the blue Sign Up button to sign up for an account, you will need to enter your organisation's ODS code (national Practice code).

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