So that we can start the configuration of your screen before dispatch we need to know your network information.

This can be carried out quickly and simply by clicking on the link below, 

Please be aware that this will need to be carried out on a PC connected to the network at the practice where the touchscreen will be located.

Clicking this link will open your browser and download our site survey tool.

1) Run the downloaded file either by clicking the file in your browser, or locating sitesurvey.exe in your downloads folder and double clicking it.

A white box will open and present a list of results similar to the below example:

2) Next, click the “Send email...” button. This will automatically copy the results into a new email with the correct send to address already in place. Please edit the subject line to include the name of the surgery in which you are completing this for. Click send.

If for any reason you cannot complete the above step, or the email window won’t open, highlight the result in the site survey window, right click, and select copy. Next, paste it into a new email. Edit the subject line to include the name of the surgery in which you are completing this for, set the send to address as 
[email protected], and click send.

If the above steps do not work, for example if the download is blocked, please try the below steps instead.

Click the start button on the bottom left hand side of your PC. 

Type "cmd" to search for the command prompt app

Hit enter or click on the Command Prompt App. A black box will appear.

Type "ipconfig /all" as below and hit enter on your keyboard. Remember to include the space between ipconfig and /all.

After you have hit enter, a list of information will appear.

Look along the left hand side for the line that says "DHCP Enabled" It will either say yes or no.

Report back to us the result. Further action may be required depending on the result.

If neither of these listed methods are working for you, let us know and we can list our requirements for you to forward on to your IT team.