

The new sort function allows you to sort you requests  in a few different orders:

Received Newest to Oldest - Will display requests in the order they were received, with the most recent at the top.

Received Oldest to Newest - Will display requests in the order they were received, with the oldest at the top.

Updated Newest to Oldest - Will display requests in the order they were last updated, with the most recent at the top.

Updated Oldest to Newest - Will display requests n the order they were last updated, with the oldest  at the top.


Unread First: This orders the messages with the unread messages at the top, they can be further sorted using any of the above filters.

Priority: This orders requests according to the priority status assigned to each request. Once requests are sorted according to priority, they can be further sorted using any of the above filters.

(For details on setting request priorities see the relevant article here)