A new version of Engage Consult is being released on Thursday 16th December.  This release includes the Engage Toolbar and Single Sign On (SSO).

This release includes an update to the Engage client.

Single Sign On & Engage Toolbar

When you update to the latest version of the Engage client you will be able to use single sign on (SSO) and the Engage toolbar. 

The Engage toolbar allows you to seamlessly start video consultations and send outbound patient messages.  We will of course be enhancing this feature in future releases so watch out for new additions.

Please have a look at our comprehensive support articles for further information .
Single Sign On

Engage Toolbar

Inactivity Timeout

Organisations can also decide if the Engage client should have an inactivity timeout.  The default timeout is 60 mins however, you are able to decide whether or not to have a timeout and can set a value between 1 and 1,440 minutes.

Improved Presentation of GAD-7 & PHQ-9 Output

Whilst GAD-7 & PHQ-9 have always been available within Engage Consult we have improved these considerably to show the full score plus questions and individual scores for patient outputs and totals.  In addition we have also made these available for use with Outbound Patient messaging meaning you can choose to send the questionnaire out to patients for completion prior to your consultation. 

Self-Assessment Scales

Title: Patient Health Questionnaire - Depression Severity
Description: The 9-question Severity Subscale of the Patient Health Questionnaire is used to identify 
the severity of depression in primary care patients and helpful as a measure of progress. Each depression 
symptom is weighted using Likert scoring.
Patient Score: 11 - Moderate depression
 Hide Scoring Key
0 - 4: Minimal depression
5 - 9: Mild depression
10 - 14: Moderate depression
15 - 19: Moderately severe depression
20 - 27: Severe depression
Reference: Kroenke K, Spitzer RL, Williams JB. The PHQ-9: validity of a brief depression severity measure. 
J Gen Intern Med 2001;16:606-13.
 Show Patient Responses

Title: Patient Health Questionnaire - Functional Impairment from Depression
Description: The single question functional impairment subscale of the Patient Health Questionnaire measures amount 
of disability from depression.
Patient Score: 1 - Functional impairment indicated (daily activities somewhat, very difficult, or extremely difficult)
 Hide Scoring Key
0 - 0: No functional impairment
1 - 3: Functional impairment indicated (daily activities somewhat, very difficult, or extremely difficult)
Reference: Kroenke K, Spitzer RL, Williams JB. The PHQ-9: validity of a brief depression severity measure. J Gen Intern
Med 2001;16:606-13.
 Hide Patient Responses

Nb. users can elect to show or hide patient responses