As the hosted Vision environment needs a password entered manually now, this needs to be done using the Engage Touch Console.

  • Open the Engage Touch Console on the PC which has the settings

  • Click the Remote button for the touchscreen you wish to connect to.

  • The touchscreen will display on your PC showing the "Enter your credentials" box below (if it doesn't, double click "Vision - Shortcut")

  • Enter the password as supplied and press OK

  • This will now connect to the server in a few moments.

  • Press the OK button for the NSS Hosted Systems to complete the login

  • Move or minimise this window (DO NOT close it) so you can see the icons on the left of the Touchscreen desktop

  • Double click Start Engage Touch icon to launch the arrival software

  • Finally, close the Engage Touch Console on your PC to make the touchscreen ready to use.