Release date: 20th of July 2023


As a company, we are committed to making Engage Consult as accessible as possible. Patients whose first language is not English will often input their responses in their own language, which then have to be manually translated when received by the practice. So we are introducing automatic translation in the Engage Client.

Using Google Translate, the system will detect and translate any responses not in English. However, you will be warned that this has happened and a toggle switch will allow you to view the original text.

When the request is sent to the patient's clinical record, it will always be sent in English.

We will be piloting this feature at a small number of sites that have expressed an interest in beta testing before releasing it to all of our customers. If you are interested in trying this feature out please let us know at [email protected].

Structured data enhancement

When a request exceeds the character limit allowed for attaching (usually when a complex IMH report is included and the report is being sent as structured data), the following error is displayed:

'The selected information exceeds the limit that your clinical system will allow, deselect one or more elements and try again.'

We have updated the system so it will now offer you the option to attach the report as a PDF on this occasion. 

Covering groups and colleagues 

We have updated the covering groups and colleagues section in your account. So now if you want to cover a group or colleague you will find this under your account in 'Covering', you can then select the groups or colleagues tab.

Intelligent Routing update

When adding intelligent routing rules you will now be displayed with a drop-down list as you type so you can easily select the problem you want to route.

Updating your website for Engage Consult

If you currently have Engage Consult displayed on your website as an 'iframe' as pictured below. We recommend updating your website for it to be added as per the instructions here. The 'iframe' will continue to work but we are aware of issues with it.