New Engage Desktop Client installer

To help with mass deployments, we've released an MSI for the Engage Desktop Client, you can download the MSI here.

Message list loading

We've improved how the patient's message list loads in Engage Consult so it's speedier than a speedy thing now, those users with a large amount of messages (when Engage Consult is used for multiple patients) may have experienced a delay before their list of messages loaded.

Email notifications

You may have previously configured this setting in, it can now be found in the Management Console:

Enter an email address if you wish to be notified by email when you receive new requests in the Engage Client.

Online consultations in the Management Console

We've had a little tidy-up in the Management Console, all settings related to online consultations have been moved to their own submenu:

Here you'll find Confirmation messages that you may have previously set up in, this page allows you to configure that confirmation messages that patients receive via email and those displayed in Engage Consult when they successfully submit a request.

There is a full audit trail for any changes made to these settings in the Audit log which can be found in the Advanced section of the Management Console.


  • The Apache web server maintainers disclosed a security vulnerability in Apache, we deployed the necessary update to patch the vulnerability within two hours.
  • Changes were made to more effectively capture and present web service logs to developers, in order to make it easier for developers to create new features and gather information about any issues that might arise.
  • Security of the cloud services we use was improved by additional logging of access to infrastructure. Access to infrastructure has always been restricted to a select few people, this provides us with a detailed "who did what when" (such as who created a resource at what time) audit trail.
  • Cloud server instance virtual hard disks are now encrypted - though no data is stored on our cloud instances, this prevents the use of any of those virtual hard disks outside of our cloud infrastructure walled garden.