
You can configure your Engage Arrive Check-in System to direct patients to specific waiting areas, the waiting area they are sent to is based on which clinician they are seeing. Each clinician can either be assigned to a single waiting room, or you can set up a weekly schedule with 1 or 2 waiting areas per day.

For help configuring the waiting areas see our guides here:

Creating A New Waiting Area In Engage Arrive 

Editing A Waiting Area In Engage Arrive 

Management Console

Engage Arrive Settings are accessed via the Engage Client Management Console, for instructions on accessing the management console see our guide here.

Engage Arrive Settings

The waiting room settings can be found under "Appointment Arrivals" in the "Basic Settings" section of the Management Console.

Selecting A Staff Member

To begin, you'll need to select the staff member you wish to assign to a waiting area, you can either do this via the drop down menu that appears when you click the "Select Staff" box, or you can search by typing all or part of their name into the box.

Configuring Clinicians To A Single Waiting Area

When you select a clinician, you will be presented with the following page, by default it is set up for you to assign the staff member to a single waiting area. You do this by selecting the waiting room from the drop down menu highlighted below, and then clicking "Save"

Scheduling A Clinician's Waiting Areas

You can also create a weekly schedule for each clinician, with up to 2 waiting areas per day.

To enable this setting, click the toggle "Set different waiting areas" this will enable you to interact with the scheduling settings below.

Setting a single waiting area per day

Using the tick box next to each day of the week, you can set the clinican to use a single waiting area all day, or you can click the tick box at the very top to enable "All day" for all 7 days.

With this set you will only be able to interact with one of the "Direct patient to" drop downs for each day, to select that day's waiting area.

Once you set a waiting room for each day, simply click "Save" to commit the changes.

Setting Multiple Waiting Areas Per Day

If you leave "All day" unticked, you can set 2 waiting areas per day, you'll need to specify start and end times for each waiting room and there can be no overlap, for example 10:00-11:00 in the morning and 11:00-12:00 could show an error, you would need to set it to 11:01-12:00, as shown below.

As before once you've made your changes simple click "Save" to commit changes or "Cancel" to revert them.